Mahakumbh stampede: Following the incident, Yogi Adityanath instructed officials to ensure that traffic remains smooth in the Mela area and unnecessary halts be avoided. He said the crowd pressure should not build up anywhere and there should be no jams on the roads.
A day after the Mahakumbh stampede, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath issued a slew of guidelines on crowd and traffic management and better coordination among departments in Prayagraj. Among the prominent measures suggested by the chief minister include creation of holding areas at border points to regulate crowd flow and ensuring return routes from Prayagraj remain unobstructed.
Police on Wednesday said a total of 30 people have died unfortunately in the stampede that took place at the Mahakumbh at Prayagraj and 25 bodies have been identified and the rest five are yet to be identified.Following the incident, Yogi Adityanath instructed officials to ensure that traffic remains smooth in the Mela area and unnecessary halts be avoided. He said the crowd pressure should not build up anywhere and there should be no jams on the roads.
CM Yogi Adityanath said if street vendors are running their businesses on roads, they should be shifted to empty areas while ensuring that traffic should not get affected. The chief minister said people visiting the Mela should not be stopped unnecessarily. He asked the police officers to increase patrolling in the Mela area and ensure traffic is not blocked on routes like Ayodhya-Prayagraj, Kanpur-Prayagraj, Fatehpur-Prayagraj, Lucknow-Pratapgarh-Prayagraj and Varanasi-Prayagraj. All return routes from Prayagraj should remain open and unobstructed, he said.The chief minister said the devotees should be allowed to proceed based on the prevailing situation. Wherever they halt at the Mela area, proper arrangements for food and drinking water should be made available at all holding areas.
Meanwhile, on the occasion of ‘Mauni Amavasya’ over 57.1 million devotees took a holy dip in the Triveni waters , according to an official statement from the Uttar Pradesh Information Department.The ongoing religious event has witnessed an overwhelming show of faith, with millions gathering at the Triveni Sangam to mark this auspicious day of spiritual cleansing and devotion.The number of Kalpwasis, who observe month-long spiritual austerities, exceeded 1 million, adding to the spiritual fervor. The total footfall for the ongoing Magh Mela has now surpassed 199.4 million, even as a stampede-like situation briefly occurred due to the overwhelming rush at key bathing ghats.